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Current Lead Times @ LITKO Game Accessories

Current Lead Times @ LITKO Game Accessories

Lead Time
TLDR: Our current lead time is averaging about two weeks from the time a customer places an order to the time that that order is sent on it's way. We are working to get that back down to 4-7 days.

Dear LITKO Customers,

We know that our current lead time is not what you have come to expect from us. A major game release by a major game company, some new releases by us, and some material shortages have led to a perfect storm of "It's going to take a little longer."


Rest assured that we are working hard and have added resources to get your gaming goodies out the door and into your hands as quickly as possible.

We hope to have our lead times back down to four to seven days within the coming weeks.

We appreciate your patience and your business!



Ken Litko

President, LITKO Game Accessories

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