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Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Turning toy cars into vehicular mayhem! It's what Gaslands  is all about. We started with a set of Desert-themed Matchbox® cars 

First, we roughed them up with a Dremel. They are a little too shiny and new to start... channel your inner road warrior.

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Second, we added some weapons made using plasticard. Cut it with a hobby knife or scissors and glue the pieces onto the vehicles.

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Third, prime and base coat with primary color. We use (and sell!) Army Painter paint and washes.

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Fourth, grunge painting, dry brushing with black and silver.

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Fifth, a thin wash of rust and dark shade to deepen the details and add some age to them.

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

Lastly, the cars are highlighted, detailed, touched up and dull coated.

Turning Toy Cars into Combat Vehicles for Gaslands

That's it! Time to play!

And since your here... check out our new Gaslands Template Set.

LITKO Template Set for Gaslands.

We'll have other accessories soon... watch our Facebook page for details.

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Matchbox® is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc.

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Anonymous - August 3, 2018

@Alan – The weapons are just leftover parts from other projects and even some bits of sprue.

The following links may be useful for toy car conversions…

Alan Lauder - July 30, 2018

What a great result – I’m off to rummage through the matchbox pile and can see my 10-year-old loving this as well.

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